Posted in Poems

Was will die einsame Thräne – Heinrich Heine (1761)

Was will die einsame Thräne

What means this lonely tear-drop,
Misty with ancient pains?
The tragic days have vanished,
But still this tear remains.

Once it had shining sisters;
But, with the old delights
And passing griefs, they left me,
Lost in the windy nights.

Lost, like the mist, those blue orbs;
Stars with a smiling dart,
That shot the joys and sorrows
Laughing into my heart.

Even my love has perished,
A breath that I have drawn . . .
Oh lone, belated tear-drop,
‘Tis time you too were gone.


What’s this? A tear, one only?
It blurs and troubles my gaze.
In my eye it has hung and lingered
A relic of olden days.

It had many shining sisters,
But away they all have passed —
Passed with my torments and raptures
In night on the driving blast.

Away, too, have passed like a vapor
Those deep-blue starlets twain,
That smiled those raptures and torments
Into my heart and brain.

Like a breath my very love, too,
Has faded and flown, alas!
So now, old, lonely tear-drop,
‘Tis time thou too shouldst pass!


Stories and scribbles from imagination and life, meant to amuse as you peruse at your leisure, while perhaps offering in return for your time, a modicum of pleasure. Some words may offer comfort, should such need arise, perhaps a bit of joy, or new ideas to surmise. Or a tear or two might stealthily travel down a cheek, for strong emotions to elicit a writer must certainly seek. Though some may be dull, others may be awfully clever, at least I hope you find it so, for such is my endeavor. And as long as the muse continues to inspire me to write, so I'll keep on doing for such is my delight. Happy reading.

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